
Monday, December 5, 2011


Theme: To be a winner, give all you've got!

Math: Multiplication (timed tests) & Division
Reading: Punctuation & Expression
Writing: Expository Writing - Gathering facts for Animal Reports

Timed Tests: Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday they will be taking a multiplication timed test; 25 problems with 1 minute to complete to 100% accuracy.  Each time they pass off a times table (ones, twos, threes, etc.) they earn a different part of their ice cream party.  We will be working towards an ice cream party from now until the end of the year.  Let the fun begin!

Multiplication Sundae Rewards!
0xs - bowl
1xs - spoon
2xs - banana
3xs - ice cream scoop
4xs - ice cream scoop
5xs - ice cream scoop
6xs - topping
7xs - topping
8xs - topping
9xs - whipped cream
10xs - nuts
11xs - sprinkles
12xs - cherry